Mikio Miyazaki Faculty of Education, Shinshu University, JapanFellow researchers/collaborators
- Hitoshi Arai,
Nagano-ken, Nagano-shi, Yanagimachi Junior High School, Japan - Takehiro Ito, Faculty of Education, Shinshu University
- Yasuo Iwanaga, Faculty of Education, Shinshu University
- Fumihiro Ogihara, Sakuchosei Junior High School/High School, Japan
- Yuichi Oguchi, Faculty of Literature, Morioka College, Japan
- Kimiho Chino,
Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, the University of Tsukuba, Japan - Tatsuo Morozumi, Faculty of Education, Shizuoka University, Japan
Scientific research fund: "special area research": developmental research for the new-century style science
"Development and effect of three-dimensional dynamic geometry software content in junior high school geometrical education curriculum" (task number 17011031, research item: A03)"Development and effect of three-dimensional dynamic geometry software content in junior high school geometrical education curriculum" (task number 17011031, research item: A03)